铀的产物. 铀和镭都是土壤中常见的元素.

The primary source of high levels of radon in homes is the surrounding soil. Radon has been found in elevated levels in homes in every state, 和 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that as many as one in 15 homes across the U.S. 氡水平升高.

暖空气上升. When this happens in your home, it creates a vacuum in the lower areas of the house. Nature hates a vacuum, so something must rush in to fill it. 就你的家而言, 空气从房子周围和下面的土壤中渗透进来, 一些空气通过开口(裂缝)被吸入, 门, 窗户)在较低的楼层. Radon gas enters the same way air 和 other soil gases enter the home; through cracks in the foundation floor or walls, 空心墙, 以及地漏周围的开口, 管道和水泵.

Exposure to radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S. Radon can be inhaled into the lungs, where it undergoes radioactive decay. 当它衰变时, radon releases tiny bursts of energy called alpha particles, 通过破坏DNA来伤害敏感的肺组织. 这种受损的DNA会导致肺癌.

Radon is measured in picocuries per liter of air (pCi/L), a measurement of radioactivity. 美国.S. EPA 和 the Centers for Disease Control 和 Prevention recommend that homes with radon levels 4 pCi/L, 或更高版本, 是固定的.

How do I Find Out if My House has Elevated Levels of Radon?
Radon test kits that meet EPA guidelines can be obtained from the 2138cn太阳集团 at (304)530-6355 免费.  如果需要额外的帮助, a trained professional from our office can be requested to perform the onsite test.

The cost of making repairs to reduce radon depends on how your home was built 和 other factors. Most homes can 是固定的 for about the same cost as other common home repairs, like painting or having a new hot water heater installed. The average cost for a contractor to lower radon levels in a home is about $1,200, 虽然价格从500美元到2美元不等,500.

How Can I Fix My House if it has Elevated Levels of Radon?
A variety of methods can be used to reduce radon in homes. Sealing cracks 和 other openings in the foundation is a basic part of most approaches to radon reduction. EPA does not recommend the use of sealing 和 caulking alone to reduce radon because, 本身, sealing has not been shown to lower radon levels significantly or consistently. In most cases, systems with pipes 和 fans are used to reduce radon. 这种系统被称为“板下减压”。. These systems prevent radon gas from entering the home from below the concrete floor 和 the foundation. Similar systems can also be installed in homes with crawl spaces. Radon reduction contractors may use other methods that may also work in your home, 取决于它的设计和其他因素. Look in the Yellow Pages or call your state radon office to locate radon mitigators in your area.


“I don’t have a basement, so I probably don’t have a radon problem.”
Radon can seep in from soil anywhere around or under a home, 不管你家有没有地下室, 爬行空间, 或者是在平地上建造的. 美国.S. Environmental Protection Agency 和 the Surgeon General recommend radon testing for all types of homes. In multi-level homes testing should be done on a level below the third floor.

“I don’t live in an area designated as a high radon zone, so my home won’t have a problem.”
美国.S. 环保局和美国.S. Geologic Survey conducted surveys of radon potential across the United States. They broke the country down into three zones according to their potential for high indoor radon levels, 其中1区氡势最高. It is true that homes in Zones 1 和 2 have a statistically higher chance of having elevated levels of radon. However, the fact is that elevated levels of radon have been found in homes in all fifty states. The radon level in your home depends on the geology under 和 near your home. The only way to know for sure, 保护你的家人不受氡的伤害, 就是测试 your home.

“Two of my neighbors have tested their homes for radon 和 they don’t have high levels, 所以我可能也不知道.”
Radon levels can vary considerably from house to house, even on the same street. It is nearly impossible to predict the exact nature of geologic soil deposits 和 the extent to which soil gasses will seep into 和 be retained by a specific house. The only way to know whether radon exists in elevated levels in your home, 保护你的家人不受氡的伤害, 就是测试.

“There doesn’t seem to be much proof that radon is a serious health problem.”

多年来,有关氡的科学研究一直令人生畏, but never before have we had such overwhelming scientific consensus that exposure to elevated levels of radon causes lung cancer in humans. 1998年2月, the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) presented the findings of their Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation (BEIR) VI Report: "The Health Effects of Exposure to Indoor Radon." This new report by the NAS is the most definitive accumulation of scientific data on indoor radon. The report confirms that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S. 这是一个严重的公共卫生问题. 这项研究完全支持了美国的观点.S. EPA estimates stating that radon causes between 15,000 和 22,000 lung cancer deaths per year.

测试就像打开一个包一样简单, placing a radon detector in your home in a designated area, 和, 在规定的天数之后(通常是两天), sealing the detector back in the package 和 mailing it to a lab. 整个过程只需要你几分钟的时间!


我们与 矿泉县卫生局 为社区提供氡测试工具.  

氡是一种自然存在的物质, 看不见的, odorless gas that comes from deposits of uranium in soil, 岩石, 和水. 它无害地分散在室外空气中, 但是当被困在建筑物中时, 可能是有害的, 尤其是在高水平时. Radon is a radioactive decay product of radium, which is itself a decay 

